Better Sleep Is Possible


Though many people are fortunate enough to sleep throughout the night and get their eight hours of sleep, many of us suffer from interrupted sleep because of a variety of reasons, have insomnia, or have difficulties sleeping because of an unusual work schedule.

Sleep is fundamental to our health, and some consequences associated with a lack of sleep are weight-gain, an increase in susceptibility to colds, an increase in blood pressure, and mental anxiety. 

It is important to put sleep on the top of your priorities and some suggestions to help to get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night are:

  • Abstaining from caffeine in the late afternoons and evenings,

  • A hot bath,

  • Comfortable pyjamas,

  • Keeping the room dark,

  • Turning electronic devices off or in night mode, and

  • Drinking some calming teas like chamomile.

Each person needs to develop their own individualized nighttime routine that works for them and if you have any great suggestions, pass them on.


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